Advanced Academic Certification

Presented by

The World’s FIRST Certification Authenticated by a Nobel Laureate

Exclusively Designed for the High-Achieving High School Student Seeking That Unique Competitive Advantage for College Admissions, Internships, Grants, and Scholarships…


This intensive 10-week course is made up of self-paced modules covering all aspects of documenting a research project and creating a professional-grade research paper.​

Once completed, you’ll have the advanced-level knowledge and skill set required to create a professional research paper that can be submitted to the most prestigious national and international STEM competitions.

You’ll be able to return to the course materials again and again, whenever you need guidance in preparing a professional research paper.

AND you will receive a certificate, signed by ​a world-renowned N​obel Prize Winner who endorses the course, along with a PDF version of this eminent credential that can be submitted with your college applications, or for securing lab internships and summer jobs.


Dr. Deborah Bedor, trusted partner of The National Leadership Academies
Author of best-sellers The Exceptional Applicant and Getting IN by Standing OUT
CEO of College Admission Central.

Do you have all the right credentials to be accepted into the school of your choice, land that incredible internship or earn that elite grant or scholarship that thousands of other students have applied for?

Even with those stellar credentials, in this competitive day and age, merely possessing the high test scores and right grades simply isn’t enough to get high school students where they’ve worked so hard to go.

One way to demonstrate your passion, drive and commitment to your bright future is by earning a unique credential only a select few students in the world possess…

Advanced Academic Certification in Science Research Writing – Certified by Nobel Laureates (Actual Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology and Medicine).

Send me more information on this unique certification course!

Module 1: Lab Notebook

Your lab notebook is the cornerstone of your research. In this first course module, you will learn how to document your work to professional standards.

Module 2: Title Page & Table of Contents

Determine if your paper needs a title page and table of contents. and learn the proper way to format them if it does.

Module 3: Abstract

The Abstract will summarize your research and should be able to stand on its own. You will learn what to include and what to leave out.

Module 4: Introduction

Includes background and a review of literature, from general information to more specific findings that lead to the gap in current knowledge.

Module 5: Methods & Materials

This section of your paperless what you did during your research and what substances and equipment you used to carry out your experiments.

Module 6: Supporting Documentation & References

How to select proper visual aids, including tables and figures, to present your information. How to reference other research and provide credit where it is due.

Module 7: Results & Analysis

You will learn to present the results of your experimental research, including the data you collected during your experiments.

Module 8: Discussion & Future Research

In this section, you will learn how to synthesize your results, provide context and interpretation, and explain why your results are important.

Module 9: Conclusion

Learn how to review the problem and present the steps you took, your findings, and there implications. Also, how to describe possible future experiments to address unanswered questions.

Module 10: Bibliography/Works Cited

No papers complete without a precisely formatted compilation of every work you’ve reviewed or employed in relation to your project.